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Treasure Island

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco’s Treasure Island is undergoing a transformative mega-development, and at the heart of this urban renewal stands the seven-story affordable housing project at 78 Johnson Street. The Treasure Island Project has integrated Enfold Façade Products; particularly their distinctive wallscreens, balcony guardrails, and gates, to enhance both the functionality and aesthetic appeal of the development. Enfold Façade’s signature circular patterns A56 and B47 together make a visual experience.

Render by Paulett Teggart Architects

Paulett Taggart Architects

General Contractor:
Nibbi Brothers

Product Types:
Balcony Guardrail, Gate

A56, B47

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Treasure Island